Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Garden Tag

I'd never thought about it before, but our friend Denise mentioned copper garden tags. I had to look them up to see one, and immediately I thought I could make something similar. So here is the homemade version using all found materials. Some I saw were fixed, some dangling. I went with the dangling version.

I used an aluminum soda can, a wire hanger, old jewelry findings and beads and wire. I cut two tags, one slightly larger than the other, then wrote backward on the opposite side. I folded the edge of the larger piece over the smaller, so there would be no sharp sides to it, poked some holes and dangled some beads.

Not sure how I feel about the beads yet. Here are instructions for making a copper version. They're very pretty, and you could easily do it this way too. I just found a beautiful idea for leaves and raffia, and I like the look very much. Maybe I will try one like that next.


  1. That's ingenious and beautiful. I know you're still unsure on the beads, but I like them. They give it a fantastical feel ~ which is all good in my book.

  2. Thanks Aleah. I just made "Asparagus" and added lots of beads.

  3. Gorgeous and creative! Looks better than a lot of store-bought tags, IMO.
